
If you see a domain you would like to purchase, email or call direct for instructions and transfer and pointing to your DNS.

There could be a domain name here that has been taken and for sale. I’m Jane – I needed a unique domain name for my new screenplay about a grifter and snake oil salesman similar to thetrumpshowmovie. com. Still available at 60K

“I was so happy to find it at 771 Links, I wrote a script about my experience. Take a look.”

[Opening shot of a young woman, Jane, sitting in front of her laptop, looking excitedly at the screen. Camera zooms in on the screen, showing a domain name search result that reads “Sorry, this domain name is already taken.”]

Jane: [Disappointed sigh] Ugh, I really thought I had the perfect name for my new online store.

[Camera zooms in on the laptop screen, showing Jane typing in “771 Links” into the search bar.]

Jane: Wait, what’s this? 771 Links?

[Cut to a shot of Jane calling 771 Links, the domain name brokerage company.]

Jane: Hi, I’m calling about a domain name that I really want to use for my online store, but it’s already taken. The name is so unique and perfect, I don’t think anything else will do.

[Cut to a shot of a representative from 771 Links, holding a document and smiling.]

Representative: Hi Jane, we’re happy to inform you that we were able to acquire that domain name for you. It’s all yours now!

[Cut back to Jane, who is ecstatically jumping out of her seat.]

Jane: Oh my god, really?! Thank you so much, I can’t believe it! This means everything to me, I’ve been trying to come up with a name for weeks and this one just spoke to me.

[Cut to a shot of Jane typing the domain name into her laptop.]

Jane: [Smiling] This is perfect. Thank you so much for your help, 771 Links. You made my day!

[Closing shot of Jane’s laptop screen, showing the newly acquired domain name and the logo of her online store.]

Jane is absolutely committed to motivating this next generation to be high achievers as he introduces new audiences every day to strive for success.

“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that ultimately do.”

Buy it while it’s available!